
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday Confessions - Yes to Sweats, No to Naps

Well happy Sunday that is followed by a holiday.  These are my favorite Sundays.  Nothing like not having to spend my evening prepping for work lunches and getting laundry done while worrying about washing my hair early enough so I can straighten it, because honestly it's an all day event. 

No worrying about making sure I am in bed by 8pm for an early alarm tomorrow. Ok, Ok... Who am I kidding.  I will still be in bed early and awake early in the morning because my body is just programmed that way.  Also because, well. I'm old.  LOL.  

None of this changes the fact that there is NO WORK TOMORROW!  Woo Hoo! 

On to my confession...  Are you ready?  I love spending my Sunday's being lazy and not wearing real clothes.  It's typically sweats or leggings all day long.  They are my favorite. I do usually spend the day working around the house or getting some bookkeeping work done for my side job but at least I am doing it in comfort.  That's what matters most.  

I wish I could say that I spend my day napping, but unfortunately I am not one of those people who can nap.  I wish I could.  I am always jealous of my friends who do nap all day long but if I nap I end up waking up in a fog, with a headache and grumpy as hell.  This is me after a nap.

Plus when I nap I NAP!  I am our for 3 hour minimum and just seem to be incapable of taking short cat naps.  even when I set an alarm.  Which is seldom because if I nap it's not exactly planned. 

So I wake up early and am consciously aware of how much i am enjoying my day.  I drink a lot of coffee in the morning and will usually spend a couple of hours cleaning my house then it's all about my book, Netflix or painting.  The best part about that is that I am super tired and am easily able to fall asleep early at night.  I'm so old.  I enjoy going to bed early.  

I have heard friends and colleagues in the past talk about how guilty they feel about going the entire weekend without doing anything and how unproductive they felt....  Really?  What is wrong with doing nothing on your weekends?  We work hard all week and as for myself I schedule all of my errands and appointments for after work during the week so there is usually very little rest for me during the week so if I want to do nothing over the weekend I think it's glorious.  If I feel like going out and running errands or visiting with friends then I do but I don't let my self feel obligated to be busy.  That's how I keep it relaxing. I love it! 

So if you read this and you also find yourself doing as little as possible while lounging around the house in your sweats with your coffee, give yourself a big pat on the back!  Know that you are not alone! 

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