
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Confessions

Hi Everybody!!!

Something that most people who know me should know about me but it amazes me sometimes that they don't. I am a lazy Sunday kind of girl.  I DO NOT like making plans on Sundays or leaving the house for much of anything except maybe a quick trip to the store.  I try to make all of my plans or appointments for Saturdays.  For either fun adventures out, lunch with friends, walks around the marina, hair, nails or waxing appointments...  Whatever needs to be done I plan for Saturday so I can enjoy my Sundays in the peace and quiet of my home. I love to spend it watching all of my DVR'd shows from the week that I don't have time to watch or reading my books.  I also spend the day getting all of my laundry done. Sure to most people that seems very boring and reclusive but I need that one day a week alone and relaxing so I can prepare for the fun-filled, insane and crazy week ahead.  So if you ever need to get a hold of me on a Sunday chances are pretty good I am at home, curled up on my couch in my sweats with either a remote control or a book in my hand.  Yay for Lazy Sundays!!! :)

Now there are the occasional exceptions to the rule, such as 49er Football Games (live or football watching get together's) Concerts, special occasion dinners or events planned well in advance. I'm not a complete hermit.  Just a slight one. ;)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I'm Happy just to be Happy

Find humor and laughter in as much in life as you can, and when you laugh, laugh with everything you have in you.  Laugh from your heart.

Don't spend your life focusing on the big things that you are sure would make your life better.  Focus on the smaller things. Appreciate the small things.  Because when it comes down to it,  Those are the most important things.

I truly believe that the healthiest way to live life is learning to be happy for no particular reason.  Be happy just to be happy and stop depending on other people or other things to make you happy because they aren't always going to be there for you.  You are.

I have always gotten the most confused looks from people when they ask me "What is it you want out of life?"  That's the simplest answer for me.  To be happy.  They don't ever get it.  They follow that with another question, "but what will make you happy?"  Are you kidding?  Really, what kind of question is that?  I don't care what is making me happy as long as the outcome is that I am happy.  If I'm single than I want to be happy and single.  If I am married, than I want to be happy and married.  If I am rich than I want to be happy and rich.  If I am poor, than I want to be happy and poor.  As long as I am happy, I don't care about the rest.

I know I am a dark person and I love being a "dark" person but it isn't because I am depressed or angry or bitter.  Well.. I can be quite surly but, hey, we can't be perfect right?  The truth is I am dark and love my darkness because darkness makes me happy.  Who knows why.  It just always has.  So I chose to embrace the things in life that put a smile on my face as much as possible because lets face it...  Life it tough. We might as well make the best of it where we can.

I think this outlook was something that my uncle and I had in common.  When he died I began pulling him and this concept closer and closer to my heart. He always believed that the small and simple things in life are what's most important and laughter can Always make everything better.  My cousin and I got memorial tattoos for my uncle and the only thing that seems most appropriate were these two lines.

Appreciate the Small Things
Laugh From Your Heart
My leg

My cousin's arm

Now of course I have my bad days when everyone pisses me off or I feel like I just can't catch a break and of course I do get depressed too like everyone else.  I think that's is normal.  I just try and hope that I don't let that take over. I hope I can continue to find happiness no matter what.  :) <3

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting

 I have become insanely obsessed with Pinterest.  It's really become unhealthy.  I say I will get on and look for 5 minutes. Since I am pulling it up on my phone I think, I can't be on for that long right?  Well the next thing I know I am still sitting on my couch with my phone in my hand while I am scrolling through the pinterest app and my phone dies.  Why?  Well because it is now 3 hours later.  How does this keep happening?  I get on my laptop and my whole night is shot.  I tell myself I am only going to look for a minute when I get in bed and I am up till midnight.  I refuse to let myself sign on during my break at work because I see all kinds of danger there.  So, yes I am obsessed and totally sucked in.  But can you blame me, really?  Isn't it the greatest thing ever!?  I love this site.  All of these great recipes that I can try (someday when I can pry myself off my laptop)  All of these craft and house ideas that make me think "How did I not think of that???" Hairstyles, outfits, pictures of faraway places I want to see one day.  It's endless.

Here are a few of my faves today:

Prague, Czech Republic


And this is so ridiculously appropriate it's scary.  LOL

Ok,  So I must end this post before I am stuck and never get off of Pinterest. ;)  Have a great day!! 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sunday Confessions

Ok so I am joining in and jumping on the bandwagon here. Ok Ok,  I know I'm a little late but it was a very busy weekend.  So better late than never I always say! Well.  I sometimes say that.

Thanks to Alyx at Everyday is a New Adventure, Here are my Sunday Confessions -

1.  I have a crazy obsession for Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs.  Not peanut butter cups, but the eggs.  The ones you can ONLY get at Easter.  There is something oh-so wonderful and better about the peanut butter to chocolate ratio.  Because to be honest.  I'm not much a of a sweet person.  Not a huge chocolate fan or sugar in general, but I do LOVE me some Peanut Butter.  Peanut Butter and Pumpkin are probably the worlds 2 most awesomest favors!!!  Ok so I may have made up a word right there, but you'll get used to that.  I make up a lot of words. ;)

2.  I am completely addicted to this little guys face.  And his laugh.  I can't get enough of it.  This little fellow was my handsome date Friday night while his folks were busy.  He is currently in training to become a super hero baby so his identity must remain a secret, so for now I will just call him CBW.  That stands for Cutest Baby in the World, in case you were wondering.  Suiting, don't you think? He has this laugh/squeal that he does when he's excited about something or just trying to see if he can get your attention (which he find super funny when he sees that it works) and the squeal is something I just can NOT get enough of hearing.  I LOVE it!!!! 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Book Club Friday

Ok.  So I am a complete slacker. I have been trying and trying to find the time to start reading The Hunger Games.

My friend even loaned the books to me to read so I could be all set and ready to join her for the movie premier but here I am...  Still haven't started.  So....  Tonight is the night.  Well.... Possibly tomorrow since I am babysitting CBW tonight. In case you don't know..  That would be Cutest Baby in the World.  And it's not just a name.. It's totally true! He is. :)  Anyway, I am babysitting tonight so right after that I am starting this first book.  I swear!!!  I have to have this finished in time for the movie. :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Picture of me...

Today I finally found a picture that defines a large part of me.  It's perfect!  :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My blog is wearing a pretty and new outfit :)

Have you noticed.... how fantastic my blog looks now?  I LOVE it! 
I want to send out a big THANK YOU to Alyx at Design by Alyx.  She was amazing!  If anyone wants any help with their blog design or are like me and needed a complete makeover then this is the girl to talk to.  I am the most indecisive person on the planet and I thought for sure I would drive her completely batty but she was so patient and so helpful and SO FUNNY :) that she made the whole process pretty easy and painless.  I had no idea what I was doing or, as it turned out, what I even wanted.  She sent me some questions with samples, which made it pretty easy. I am so in love with my new design and can't thank Alyx enough.  Seriously folks!  Go check her out if you need anything done.  Do it!  Now!  What are you waiting for....?  ;)  Thanks Alyx!  You are the best!

You should also follower her blog.  She is clever and funny and I enjoy reading about her fun adventures and her fun and witty take on everthing. :)

Every Day is A New Adventure

Monday, March 12, 2012

I'm a very sleepy smurf

First can I just say that I am NOT happy about this time change.  I am so tired I feel like I can fall asleep right now at my desk.  Ugh! Stealing an hour of sleep from me on top of taking away my darkness is never a good thing to do to me.  I would say it makes me grumpy but I'm too sleepy to find the energy to be grumpy.  LOL  Anyway, I just had to get that off my chest.  I feel a little better now. :)

So my bigger complaint is that I went to the Dr. last week and they decided to measure my height.  No that is not the complaint part.  I'm getting there.  So I think, Ok no problem.  I already know I am a shorty.  I'm 5'2.  I have been made fun of all my life for being a smurf.  It has been my nickname for as long as I can remember.  So imagine my surprise when the girl told me I was 5'1.5.  WHAT?!?!?!?! 

I said to her "That's wrong!  Do it again!"  She gave me this look like I was some crazy girl and measured me again.  Yep.  Still 5'1.5.  What the Heck!!!!???  Someone stole half an inch from me?  They just snuck right in and stole it out from under me.  How could this have happened? I get back to work and email my mother with this tragic news. 

Her reaction......  She doesn't seem very surprised. I said.  "The Dr's office lied to me. They said I am only 5'1.5" and her reply was...  "Well I don't actually think they lied but we will go ahead and say they did."

Hmph!  Seriously?  So me not being in the greatest of spirits responded with...  "Oh yeah!  Gee Thanks...  Guess what?  You aren't 5'3 by the way!"  Ok..  a little childish of me, I know...  but It's like I lost all control of my reactions for a moment. 

I am convinced there is a thief among us and the walked off with my very minimal height.  Do you all know how detrimental a half an inch is to a smurf?  It's like an entire world!  And somebody stole it.  Where are the police when you need them! I need to file a report! 

Then..... my mother says to me "Ummm. honey...  you have always been 5'1.5.  I just told you that you were 5'2 because  our whole family rounds up.  Always has." 

"Are you joking me right now!????  So all this time I had this half an inch that was apart of me, and now I find out that it was all imaginary.  Well that's just great!!!!" Way to ruin my day. 

So I guess it's true.  I am truly a smurf after all.  But for the record.... I am NOT changing my height on my drivers licence.  Just sayin!

So this has been a bad week.  I had half an inch stolen then I had an hour stolen from me.  Geeze...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Favorite Things

Happy Friday everybody!  TGIF!

I was just feeling the need to share one of my FAVORITE things in the whole world. And yes I do have many, but for today I will tell you about just one of them.  I have not mentioned this yet but I LOVE Full Moons.  Love Love Love them.  Always have and probably always will.  I get so energized by it and sitting outside at night staring at it gives me such serene peace.   The energy I feel coming from it is something that I just can't explain, not to mention... It's freaking gorgeous!

My obsession is so well known throughout my friends that I almost ALWAYS get a text or a call every month mentioning the moon or of a picture someone took of the full moon for me.  I love it!
Here are a few:

I also love tattoos so of course, I decided to combine the two loves. I have a couple of tattoos that show off my love for Full Moons.

I have to admit, out of all  (8 so far) of my tattoos this is definitely one of my favorites! 

So As you can see... YES I am obsessed with Full Moons.  I can't help it.  They make my <3 :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Oh, How I love me some Crepes!

Last week I had to stop at the mall for something.  I HATE the mall with a passion and avoid it as much as I can. So of course it stands to reason that I had completely forgotten about this little food stand in the food court that is called Le Crêpe Café.  I happen to love crepes...  Now is it because they are so light and versatile?  Is it because they are so yummy every way they are made?  Or could it be because they remind me of Europe and make me smile whenever I have them.  Whatever the reason was, I was absolutely going to be stopping there on my way out.  So I order my crepe for dinner and bring it home to eat where I could savor every single bite in joy without anyone bothering me and no loud obnoxious teenagers taking away from my moment.  I ordered the Mediterranean Crepe.  I wanted to share this on here in case I forget what was in it.  It was so incredibly flavorful all I could say to describe it was it was a party of exploding flavors in my mouth. It consisted of Mozzarella cheese, shredded chicken, Feta cheese, crushed Greek olives and the juice, chopped red onions and finally a drizzle of balsamic dressing.  It was so amazing that I really think I need to try my had at making my own crepes just so I can replicate the recipe as often as I want.  Oh my yummy goodness!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happy Saturday to me!

Ok, so for anyone who knows me, I am a coffee FREAK!! I love love LOVE coffee and drink far too much of it on a daily basis.  I am the girl in the office that nobody talks to or even comes near before I have had at least my second cup of coffee. I would go to Starbucks 1-2 times each day.  But for some strange reason I haven't gone to Starbucks in over a month.  Don't get me wrong, I am still having my daily gallon of coffee, just not my Starbucks fix.  So today I decided to go out for a Saturday Treat!  Happy Saturday to Me!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

My #1 Favorite Restaurant!

I was sitting at work tonight decided to check facebook on my phone. When I pulled it up I was so excited to see my favorite restaurant post an update with this evenings specials.  One of their specials were the Salmon Filet topped with crab meat, feta cheese, pine nuts, basil and a lemon cream sauce, which just so happens to be one of my favorite of their dishes. It is amazing. The first time I tried it, I had stopped there one night after work in December to treat myself to a pre birthday dinner and this happened to be their special that evening.  My regular order is the veal or chicken piccata, which happen to also be AMAZING!  

I called my mom at asked her if she was interested in meeting me there for dinner because I really wanted her to try this dish.  She said it sounded great and she met me there when I got in to town after work.  After taking her first bite she was completely speechless.  After my first bite I wasn't even able to reopen my eyes.  Just as amazing as every other time.  The only thing that would have made the meal more complete was if they had had their garlic parmesan soup.  But alas, they only have that one weekend a month and this wasn't it.  It's alright, I guess I will just have to go again in a week or two. ;)  If you are ever in Reno, NV I strongly suggest you stop for dinner at Sardina's Italian Restaurant.  

What a year so far.... Madonna...again!!!!

Well Friday is finally here... For a while, I thought it for sure would never get here this week.  This has really been a long week. But I can't complain too much. Already this year I have had a couple of BIG things happen.  I have a lot to look forward to this year so a long week here and there is a small price to pay I think. :)  

First..... A couple of weeks ago my sister and I got out VIP tickets for the Madonna Concert in San Jose later this year.  yep... you read that right!  VIP Tickets!  I am so excited! I have idolized and been obsesses with my hero Madonna since I was about 5 years old.  I have owned every record, cassette tape, CD of hers as they come out.  I own every movie of hers. I got to see her live in Oakland, California in November 2008.  It was the single most exhilarating, phenomenal & breathtaking moment of my life.  Driving home to Reno in a blizzard the next day didn't even phase me.  I was honestly able to say I didn't care because I can now die happy getting to fulfil the number one experience in my life that I have dreamt about.

Well, somehow I have been lucky enough to have the chance to see her again!  This time in style.  VIP.  What does VIP include you ask?  Well it includes an exclusive Madonna Tour t-shirt, and Tour concert poster, a commemorative Concert Ticket, A premium reserved seat, and a VIP Host.  A VIP Host!  Can you believe that.  no waiting in line for water.  I will have someone there to fetch me water, soda or dinner.  NICE!!!!! We only got the smallest VIP package but I am very happy with that.  The small Package cost us $250 per person.  The highest package was $1750 per person.  Yeah.  I'm good with the small package. :) 
I can't wait till the show.  My second time seeing my Ultimate Hero!!! It's going to be an amazing night!!!!!

Totally worth the stress and heart attack we had during the purchasing process.  As a ICON fan club member I have special access to presale tickets.  So I got online at the moment the tickets went on sale and tried getting the 2 VIP's.  You are only given 2 minutes to complete the entire purchase and I of course.... timed out.. Then I try again and there is only 1 package at my level left now.  Damn it!!!  so I refresh and refresh waiting for someone else to lose out on the deal by being timed out.  I also gave my sister my password so she could try.  So she finally gets in and she manages to get the purchase completed with 1 second to spare.  ONE SECOND TO SPARE!!!!!!!  Seriously cutting it close!!!! It was so close and our adrenalin was pumping but we got them and we ill be having a great time!!! 

I will tell you about the next amazing thing that has happened so far this year that I have to look forward to on my next post.  I have to keep you in suspense right?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Snow + Driving does not a happy V make.

This is what my drive to work looked like yesterday morning. And this was BEFORE it got bad. Yeah... I hate commuting to Carson City. Just sayin...