
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Life begins at Football Season

  I can not even begin to express how excited I am for football season to be starting soon.  It's like my life ends every year in February and doesn't begin again until September.  Yes, I am one of those freaks about football. An even bigger freak when it come to my San Francisco 49ers though ;) My heart starts to race when I am thinking about being able to watch my boys play.  My stomach does flip flops when I start thinking about my Sunday's plans.  Fall and Football just scream happiness and home to me.

I am the girl who plans her life AROUND the NFL schedule.  I never miss a game....  Well I usually don't.  If I can help it, I don't.  Last year, I did have to miss one game.  It was pretty tough, but I received regular score updates the entire game while I was in Europe.  This year will be the same.  I will be in Europe for 11 days and during that time I will miss one game.  I need to find someone to keep me updated on the score that day. :)   I usually try to make it to a live game once or twice a season and last year I couldn't make it to one.  There was that whole preparing for a huge vacation AND buying a house thing that kind of got in the way of that.  Oh well.  Perhaps this year I will make up for that and make an extra game or two.  :) All I know is I have been counting down for the season since ummmm...   about March. 

So now.... 28 Days till the Season begins!!!!  I am jumping out of my skin, I am so giddy. 
