
Monday, June 25, 2012

Oh, What A Glorious Week!

I had such a wonderful week last week.  My very good friends, "A" & "T", from New York City, were in town visiting for the week.  So I was able to spend as much time as possible with them while they were here.  They rented a house right on the Sparks Marina, which happens to be just a few blocks dow the road from my house, so they were able to host family dinners at their house for myself and their family.  So for starteres, A is the greatest chef ever!!!!  He is an Itaian boy born and raised in Brooklyn by a traditional, large Italian family so his cooking is AMAZING!!!!!!!  I was spoiled all week by his cooking.  I have really missed my friends and I am always so happy when they come visit in the summer.  A did remind me that it has been over 5 years since I was last in New York City visiting them though.  I will definitely have to plan my 2013 vacation to be back in New York City.  I love that city so much and could easily move there tomorrow.  So visiting there as often was my plan.  I would be thrilled to head back next year.  But not this year because 2012's Vacation has already been booked and paid for.   So They arrived last Saturday night and left to head back home Yesterday.  A whole week of fun friend time.  I had such a wonderful visit with them and miss them terribly. But I will be seeing them again soon.  Hopefully they will be back for Christmas. :)

As if the visit wasn't enough to make it a glorious week I have more.  I bought a guest bed... FINALLY!!!!   I came home from work on Thursday and it was all set up in my guest room.  YAY!!!  Now I can have guests come visit me at my new house.  I feel like such a big girl now. :)

Next was Saturday.  I was out all day on Saturday spending some time with friends then visiting my New York Friends, so when I got home, Santa had araived AGAIN!  My mom had bought herself new fancy front loader washer and dryer so her old (and when I say old I mean a couple of years old) front loader washer and dryer were being given to me and installed for me while I was out. I spent all afternoon Sunday doing laundry and having fun with all the new buttons and gizmos the new W/D have.  So fun! 

I know, I know.  This doesn't seem much like an exciting week but believe me,  That was A LOT of excitement for ME.  :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Fabulous Friday ***Late Post***

Wow!  So it has been nearly a month since I have posted.  I'm not sure how that happened.  It didn't seem that long, in fact I am trying to think of what was making me so busy and although I know I have been busy and constant go go go, I can't actually think of anything in specific that was causing it.  Hmmmmm.  Funny how that happens.  Well how has everyone been?  It's Friday and I am soo excited because for some strange reason my mind was hell bent on yesterday being Friday and I was pretty upset pissed off that it was only Thursday.  

It's been kind of a trying week so I am happy that I get to go home tonight and relax.  My mom decided a few days ago that she would be inviting herself over to my house tomorrow for a BBQ so I am kind of excited about that.  As long as I get to sleep-in first. ;)   

Ok so I am also a little behind on posting this.  I know it's Monday and this was for Friday but I got kind of busy and then lazy. LOL  So I hope everyone had a great Friday and a great weekend.