
Friday, May 1, 2015

I'm a slacker! Brief Update

Ok, So I know I am a major slacker right now.  I haven't posed on here in a long time.  Well a lot of good and very bad things have happened in the past year.
New job position, Yay!!
Discovered my relationship was a complete sham.  Turned out to be a complete lie, and was being used as a bank account till the favors and money weren't needed anymore and  then came the bullying and threats.  So of course that was followed by a major depression and more major trust issues.
Next my sweet baby boy cat, Cody, passed away expectantly which absolutely destroyed me!
Then I rescued a sweet and wonderful deaf dog named Reagan who has saved me from some horrible times and I love her to the moon and back.
I've reached my 7 years Sober Birthday.  7 years.  Wow.  Big pat on my back. :)

I plan to make some special posts for these two babies but I figured I needed to jot some thoughts down now.

Sorry for disappearing again.  I can't say it won't happen more because it probably will but I can say I will try not to let it happen for too long.  ;)